
i've build a small application using Tiles and Struts which worked very

The setup of all pages is described using the tiles-defs.xml file. For all
those pages there is a single layout.jsp that contains the layout code and
inserts all other views of the application.

Last night i've extended the application and there was therequirement of a
"body" view that sometimes inserts another view on its own.

Therefore i expected to get the following situation

somePage -> maps to body->details.jsp, subview->moredetails.jsp and
  -- layout.jsp -> <tile:insert attribute="body">
    -- body: details.jsp -> <tiles:insert attribute="subview">
      -- subview: moredetail.jsp

This is the behaviour i've expected an i want to have. But if i try to
<tiles:insert> in the details.jsp Tiles throws an "subview" attribute not
found exception.

Is it *NOT* allowed to nest Tiles in an application?

        - Ralf

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