In my experience, nested tags and indexed tags do not mix.  Use indexed if
you have one dimension of arbitrary length and use nested if you have more
dimensions of arbitrary length.  Nested has its own "indexed"-like behavior
(check out the "monkey" example in the docs, and take a look at the HTML
source it produces to see what I mean), and you shouldn't expected the
indexed attribute to be meaningful.  

Does anyone know any different?  My experience with nested is limited, but I
remember having a similar problem...

-----Original Message-----
From: Billerby Erik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 8:18 AM
Subject: indexId in nested:iterate

Why come the indexId does not work using the nested tablib.

Since nested:iterate is inheriting from logic:iterate I cant understand why
I cant get it to work.

My code:

<nested:iterate property="partVOs" indexId="counter">
        <bean:write name="counter"/>

I tried with <nested:write name="counter"/>
as well but that did not compile, nor did <nested:write property="counter"/>


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