Using Struts 1.0.2 and Tiles extension

The page I am developing consists of frames.  Upon display, all the frames display a 
404 error.  Looking at the source of the HTML, I find that the src attribute doesn't 
point to a URL but contains the contents of the file at that url.

My frameset page:

<frameset rows="10%, 80%, 10%">
  <frameset cols="50%, 50%">
    <frame src='<tiles:get name="title"/>' name="title" >
    <frame src='<tiles:get name="help"/>' name="help">
  <frame src='<tiles:get name="body"/>' name="body">
  <frame src='<tiles:get name="navigation"/>' name="nav">

My tile definitions contains

  <definition name="qsWizard" path="/framedWizardLayout.jsp" >
    <put name="title"         value="qsTitle.jsp"/>
    <put name="help"          value="qsHelp.jsp"/>
    <put name="body"          value=""/>
    <put name="navigation"    value=""/>

  <definition name="BasicWizardPage" extends="qsWizard">
    <put name="navigation" value="workflow/nav.jsp"/>

  <!-- Disclaimer page -->
  <definition name="Disclaimer" extends="BasicWizardPage">
    <put name="body"            value="workflow/disclaimer/disclaimerBody.jsp"/>

The page I am invoking is "Disclaimer".

What am I doing wrong?


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