Yes.It's disappointing. But I am also curious if anybody knows how the
BIG sites handle this issue. Mainly if the licensing is based on the
number of userIds , the purpose will be defeated if the same userId is
shared by many users.

-----Original Message----- 
From: James Mitchell [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] 
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 11:15 AM 
To: Struts Users Mailing List 
Subject: Re: [OT] [session] Shared userId 

I know what you want to do.  In the web environment, it is impossible. 

For every solution you can think of, I can come up with at least 2 "what

if" scenarios that will invalidate your logic. 
I've been through this with at least 5 different Product Managers and 
there is just no way to handle it. 

Sorry if this is only discouraging news, but it is reality. 

Good Luck 


Aravapalli, Udaya wrote: 

>        I want to check if an user tries to login with an userId for 
>which a session is already existing and show a message. 
>        This can also be applied if two users want to share the same 
>userId and try to login at the same time. 
>        Whenever a session is being created by the user , I want to 
>store       the userId in the database using the valueBound method in 
>HttpSessionBindingListener and remove it from the Database when the 
>session is invalidated using the valueUnbound method. But   this will 
>not work if the user does not explicitly invalidate the session (like 
>closing the browser).Then the session will remain active until  the 
>session time out has reached. Is there any way to determine an browser 
>closing action by the user and invalidate the session.. 

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