>>>>> "Curtney" == Curtney Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Curtney> Greetings!!
    Curtney> I am having problems viewing the tiles-documentation example, 
specifically the 
    Curtney> tab examples. Everything else works fine except the tabs.

    Curtney> There was a similar question posted to the group on July 17, 2002, 
    Curtney> titled "Struts Tabs Example Error" by Peggy Davidson. However, the 
problem was 
    Curtney> not resolved or no one posted a fix to the problem. If anyone has 
    Curtney> a similar problem and found a solution, please advise me.

    Curtney> I am running tomcat  version 4.1.12.
    Curtney> I am using jakarta-struts-1.1-b2

    Curtney> Below is the error message I am receiving.

    Curtney> ----- Root Cause -----
    Curtney> java.lang.NullPointerException
    Curtney>    at org.apache.jsp.tabsLayout_jsp._jspService(tabsLayout_jsp.java:121)
    Curtney>    at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:136)

I'm not familiar with this, but it might help Cedric, or anyone else who tracks
this, if you could submit the portion of the generated Java source file that is
throwing the NPE.  Even better, if you could run this in your debugger and
track in the page what variable is null.

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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