Hmmm, try to read out all request parameters, request attributes, and 
session attributes in the start of the page.

Something like

for ( Enumeration enum = request.getAttributeNames(); enum.hasMoreElements(); )
         Object key = enum.nextElement();
         Object value = request.getAttribute( key );
         System.out.println( key + " --> " + value );

to find out more...

Put that code in a utility method (maybe there is one in the struts library???)


At 06:40 07.10.2002 -0700, Tuan H. Le wrote:
>I tried request.getAttribute( "selTopNav" ) too, but it still returned a 
>null value.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Thomas Eichberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 6:28 AM
>To: Struts Users Mailing List
>Cc: Struts Users Mailing List (E-mail)
>Subject: Re: Passing a request parameter within Struts framework
>request.getAttribute( "selTopNav" )
>not request.getParameter( "selTopNav" )
>At 05:00 07.10.2002 -0700, Tuan H. Le wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >How do I pass a request attribute to another form? In my case, after a
> >successful login, it would forward the user to
> >the main form (MainMeu.jsp which has a frameset). In the main form, it has
> >several tabs. By default, it displays the
> >first tab.
> >
> >Currently, in the perform() method of LoginAction class, I have the
> >following code
> >
> >//...
> >request.setAttribute( "selTopNav", "1" );
> >return( mapping.findForward( target ) );
> >
> >
> >Here's the code for the MainMenu.jsp
> >
> >
> ><%@ page language="java" %>
> ><%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
> ><%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
> >
> ><!-- frame -->
> >
> >
> >And, in the Top.jsp, I have a test code to get a value of the request
> >attribute, but it always returns a null value
> >
> >Top Nav: <%= request.getParameter( "selTopNav" ) %>
> >
> >Here's a partial of my struts-config.xml file
> >
> >   <form-beans>
> >     <form-bean name="loginForm"
> > type="com.phs.ezhr.presentation.form.LoginForm" />
> >     <form-bean name="mainMenuForm"
> > type="com.phs.ezhr.presentation.form.MainMenuForm" />
> >   </form-beans>
> >
> >   <global-forwards>
> >     <forward name="login" path="/Login.jsp"/>
> >   </global-forwards>
> >
> >   <!-- Action Mapping Definitions -->
> >   <action-mappings>
> >     <!-- Process a user login -->
> >     <action path="/login"
> >             type="com.phs.ezhr.presentation.action.LoginAction"
> >             validate="true"
> >             input="/Login.jsp"
> >             name="loginForm"
> >             scope="session" >
> >             <forward name="success"
> >                      path="/MainMenu.jsp" />
> >             <forward name="failure"
> >                      path="/Login.jsp" />
> >     </action>
> >     <!-- Process a user logoff -->
> >     <action path="/logoff"
> >             type="com.phs.ezhr.presentation.action.LogoffAction">
> >             <forward name="success" path="/login.jsp" />
> >     </action>
> >     <action path="/top"
> >             type="com.phs.ezhr.presentation.action.MainMenuAction"
> >             validate="false"
> >             input="/Top.jsp"
> >             name="mainMenuForm"
> >             scope="request" >
> >     </action>
> >   </action-mappings>
> >
> >
> >Do you know what I'm missing?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Tuan
> >
> >
> >
> >--
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