I just wrote this:

<logic:notEqual name="resView" property="personBirthDate" value="">
  <bean:write name="resView" property="personBirthDate" />
<logic:equal name="resView" property="personBirthDate" value="">

What I really need is to print out the birthDate property if it's not blank
and not null, otherwise, print the '--'.  Can I combine notEqual and
present? [implied question:  HOW?]

Also, the above seems to me the equivalent of writing:

if ( something.equals("") )
  //do one thing;

if ( !something.equals("") )

which is downright PAINFUL to look at.

I tried to look at the generated JSP, but I couldn't find the translation of
the logic:equal/notEqual tags in there.  I guess I just want to know that
the code isn't calling resView.getPersonBirthDate() multiple times.  Can I
rest assured that the generated code is as efficient as possible?

Any suggestions appreciated!

Wendy Smoak

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