I'd highly recommend reading the documentation for Tomcat :-)

In order to let you restart the app, Tomcat is going to force you to
authenticate yourself. If authentication weren't required, anyone could
reload it -- and I don't think you'd want that!

I'm not going to go into details about Tomcat Realms etc - read the
manual. I will say that you need a user in your realm that has the role
"admin". This is the user you should sign on as. There is no such user
defined in the default realm (MemoryRealm - controlled by the file
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml) Tomcat ships configured to use.
It's very easy to add one though. If you are still using that realm, add
a line like:

<user name="administrator" password="3y3-lik3-r36w006" roles="admin" />

... and then, when prompted, enter those credentials. You'll have to
restart Tomcat to get the user loaded (I believe).

It's bed-time for me! Good luck!

caowei wrote:

>   more: when i use http://localhost:8080/manager/reload?path=/test to restart my 
>application,servletContext and session missed!and i must input my username/password 
>to get the manager role authorization in tomcat.
>i don't want these.how to deal with these problem?

Eddie Bush

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