You can use an alternate sytax.


James Mitchell
Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Widmar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 12:22 AM
> Subject: nested references and javascript
> I've got a question about this subject that's probably obvious to 
> experienced users.
> I've searched the mail archives on the subject and haven't found 
> any joy, so here's my puzzler:
> I'm starting to use nested references in 1.0.2...
> for example: <html:text property="" />
> The framework is working fine, as I've got a getFoo() on the 
> named bean with a getBar() and it shows in the html form in the browser.
> When i try to update existing javascript to match the new 
> nest-compliant name, it dont work :-(
> for example:  Number(document.forms[0];
> generates the following error message:  document.forms[0].foo has 
> no properties.
> So the $.64 question:  ->  am i doing it wrong, or is it undoable?
> I guess it's more of a 'javascript-users' issue, but i figgered 
> someone here has hit this already
> (Why 1.0.2? The app's been in production for a while on 1.0.2... 
> (BTW, thanks struts-dev)).
> Thanks, 
> Steve
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