I have some problems for the first page of my application.
        Before answering the first request of the first client, 
        I must do initialisations (connections to an external application
        and inform the client if a problem occurs (the application server
must be started
        for example).
        I can not do these initialisations in the ServletContextListener
        no error page can be displayed to the client.
        My solution is to display a page with an initialisation message, a
simple JSP page with
        the message "Initialisation in progress. Please wait". And when
initialisations are done,
        I would like to forward to a login page.
        If at least one client used the application ,the initialisation page
must not appear for the
        other users.
        I would like to know if it possible to display this kind of page ? I
don't know how organise
        the struts-config file to do that. I will have a an index page, an
initialisation page , a login page
        and an action responsible of the initialisations.

        thanks in advance for your help

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