
  I suspect that the Tiles definition factory is not properly 
initialized. The initialization has changed between Struts1.0 and 
struts1.1b2, to follow the new struts request processing.
  You need now a TilesRequestProcessor which is set by the TilesPlugin. 
You don't need the ComponentActionServlet anymore.
  Check http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/userGuide/dev_tiles.html.


Cagan Senturk wrote:

>I am running struts-1.1-b2 on Weblogic 7, and am getting 404-Page not
>found as result of the following code:
><definition name="firstPageBaseDef"
>....some <put> elements here
><!-- Portal First Page -->
><definition name="portalFirst" extends="firstPageBaseDef">
>....some <put> elements here
>Action mapping section in struts-config.xml:
><action path="/p3/index"
>    type="com.emirca.pp.controller.actionhandler.GreetAction"
>    validate="false">
><forward name="success" path="portalFirst"/>
>And the Action class (GreetAction) tries the following:
>public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping actionMapping,
>ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res){
>return actionMapping.findForward("success");
>I checked that findForward("success") finds the ActionForward with path
>= portalFirst....
>But even though 'portalFirst' is defined in TileDefinitions.xml, i'm
>getting a 404-Page Not Found Error.
>When I replace the "portalFirst" with a jsp that exists, like
>path="/p3/jsp/index.jsp", that works....
>The same code was working fine with struts1.0.2 (with tiles.jar)...I
>just started having this problem after I switched to struts-1.1b2..
>I'd appreciate any help on this...
>Cagan Senturk
>Emirca Technologies, Inc.
>75 Spring St. 8th Floor
>NYC, NY 10012
>tel  (917)  237 2937
>fax (212) 343 7446

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