
  Have you check the Tiles framework that come with Struts ?

Greg Cutler wrote:

>Hello -
>I'm new to the Struts architecture, and am writing a
>small application to teach myself. I've got the basic
>concepts and simple design patterns, but am having a
>problem trying to structure part of my presentation
>logic in a "struts-like" way. I'd like to build up
>part of a page by including the results from another
>action, called dynamically.
>Here's what I've got:
>    <form-bean name="ParentForm" type="my.ParentForm"
>    <form-bean name="ChildForm" type="my.ChildForm" />
>    <forward name="showParent" path="/parent.do"
>redirect="false" />
>    <forward name="includeChild"
>path="/child.do?action=show" redirect="false" />
>    <action path="/parent" type="my.ParentAction"
>        <forward name="success" path="/parent.jsp"
>redirect="false" />
>    </action>
>    <action path="/child" type="my.ChildAction"
>        <forward name="show" path="/child.jsp" />
>    </action>
>Where parent.do and it's corresponding form take some
>parameters, do some logic, and forward to parent.jsp
>for display. However, I would also like to include
>child.do, but want to pass it some additional
>parameter foo=bar when including it. I've already set
>up some of that information (action=show) in the
>global forward, but how do I wrap up additional
>parameters for an include. I've seen how to *link* to
>this with (for example):
><html:link forward="includeChild" paramId="foo"
>paramName="ParentForm" paramProperty="foo" />
>but am looking for the same kind of functionality to
>do includes.
>I can get _something_ to work with <jsp:include
>page="/child.do?action=show&foo=bar" /> but this still
>isn't either 1) building it dynamically or 2) very
>"struts-like" since I'm not taking advantage of my
>global forward configuration for the action=show.
>I'm open to using jsp methods, struts, templates,
>whatever. I'm just learning, but can't find this one.
>If someone could point me in the right direction (or
>tell me how my design is wrong anyway and it would be
>better to do it like ..xyz...) it would be greatly
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