Hi Cetin, there really was an error:
AemGroupBean is the Class name of the bean, I didn't have the name of
the beans.
All my beans are called "datarecord", as they are created inside a loop.

Now I wrote:

ArrayList werkeList= SimpleQuery.getAemWerkUnique();
<html:form action="selectWerk">
        <select name="werkAuswahl">
                <logic:iterate id="dataRecord" collection="<%=werkeList%>"
type="AemGroupBean" >
                        <html:option value="<%= dataRecord.getMo() %>" />

And thid is the error I get:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot retrieve definition for form bean

Here again is what I am trying to do:

<form action="/aem_group/Aem_Group.jsp" method="GET" >
Werk:  <select name=werk size=1>
                  <option> alle

<%    // alle Werke die in der Tabelle vorkommen als
      // Auswahloption angeben
      ArrayList werkCollection = null;

      try {    // ArrayList zusammenstellen
               werkCollection = SimpleQuery.getAemWerkUnique();
            catch(SQLException sql)

            // wenn die Abfrage erfolgreich war alle Werke ausgeben
            if (werkCollection != null)
               Iterator i = werkCollection.iterator();

               while(i.hasNext() )
                 AemGroupBean bean = (AemGroupBean)i.next();

                 %> <option> <%= bean.getMo()        %>

            <% }

         <input type="submit" value="get it">

> Ok,
> i have send my mail before realy completing ;-)
> You must set the type of youre collection element. For example:
> <html:select property="werkAuswahl">
>              <logic:iterate id="AemGroupBean" type
> ="com.company.BeanClassName" collection="<%=werkeList%>" >
>                          <html:option value="<%= AemGroupBean.getMo() %>"
> />
>              </logic:iterate>
> </html:select>
> BG-SYS oHG        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Brunnenstr. 111         Tel. 030/245-52210
> 13355 Berlin-Wedding    Fax 030/245-52763
>                       Marcus Biel
>                       <Marcus.Biel@bmw.        An:       
>                       de>                      Kopie:
>                                                Thema:    Re: Antwort: iterate tag 
>and html:option
>                       15.10.02 13:29
>                       Bitte antworten
>                       an "Struts Users
>                       Mailing List"
> Yes, this was just a typo. :-<
> Would be much easier then! ;-)
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