Hi! 2 Questions:

First Question:
ArrayList werkeList= SimpleQuery.getAemWerkUnique();
pageContext.setAttribute("werkeList", werkeList);
<html:form action="selectWerk.do" method="GET">
        <html:select property="werkAuswahl" size="1">
                <html:options collection="werkeList" property="mo"/>
        </html:select> <br>
        <html:submit>Datensaetze anzeigen</html:submit>
I've got this working code. Now I don't want to import the ArrayList
anymore, instead I would like to use a Java Class or an Action.
What have I got to use: regular Java class or Action, and if Action, how
can I tell my jsp to do it before the user sees the form ?
( As the ArrayList contains datarecords that are part of my selectbox.)

Second Question:
Then I want to use a <logic:present tag.
At the End of my Action/Java class, I want to write an attribute and a
request.setAttribute("werkeTable", werkeCollection);
return mapping.findForward("WerkeTablecreated");
Which of them can I use for my <logic:present tag, and how ?
I tried:
<logic:present parameter="werkeTable">
                The Table was created.
but this didn't work. However, <logic:notPresent parameter="werkeTable">
I am not sure, if the error is in my Action Class or if I am using the
logic present tag incorrectly.
When I hit the submit button I get a popup Message saying the page
wouldn't contain any data. (Trying to forward to the same page, but this
time a message should be displayed.) Maybe this tells me that my Action 
Class can't get reached ?
thx for help,


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