sorry, I should have known that.  I have run into that as well.
Here is an example of something I do when iterating throught a list.
The bean define takes it's body a assigns it to the id variable.
    <bean:define id="papAmtBlur">
      papAmountLeave('<nested:writeNesting property="papAmt"/>','<nested:writeNesting 
     <nested:text property="papAmt"   onblur="<%= papAmtBlur %>"  />

BTW: I tried to use <nested:define ../> instead of bean:define but it told me I could 
not have a body inside nested:define, I'm not sure why.

"Tuan H. Le" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/22/2002 03:01:27 PM

Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

To:    "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:    RE: <html:link> with JavaScript


Thanks for your response! I tried your suggestion, but it seems that
<%=employee.getId() %> does not get parsed within <html:link> tag. When I
view the html source on the browser, it shows

<a href="JavaScript:void()" onclick="openModal( '/
=<%=employee.getEmployeeId() %>' )"><img src....>

Other suggestions?


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:Jeff_Mychasiw@;]
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 11:02 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: <html:link> with JavaScript

<logic:iterate id="employee" name="employeeList" scope="request" type
  ="" ...>
  <html:link href="JavaScript:void()" onclick="openModal('/<%
  = employee.getId() %>')"><img src="common/images/edit.gif" width="9"
  height="18" border="0" alt="edit"></html:link>


"Tuan H. Le" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/22/2002 12:33:02 PM

Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

To:    "Struts Users Mailing List (E-mail)"

Subject:    <html:link> with JavaScript


Can some one please show me a tip on how to pass a dynamic value into a
JavaScript function within <html:link> tag? What I need is to pass an
employee ID in the openModal( '/ ).

Here's my code

<script language="javaScript">
  function openModal( theURL ){
 window.showModalDialog(theURL,'','dialogWidth:662px;, dialogHeight:180px;
 help:no; scroll:no; status:no; center:yes; resizable:no; unadorned:yes;');

<logic:iterate id="employee" name="employeeList" scope="request" type
  ="" ...>
  <html:link href="JavaScript:void()" onclick="openModal
  ('/')"><img src="common/images/edit.gif" width="9" height
  ="18" border="0" alt="edit"></html:link>


I know how to create a <html:link> that generates an HREF with a passing
dynamic parameter value as such

<html:link href="/" paramId="id" paramName="employee"
paramProperty="employeeId" target="_blank">

The code above works fine, but I need a way to open a modal dialog window
with a specific size.

Thanks in advance!

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