Currently I'm calling a database subroutine (in an Action) that returns a
list of keys, and then using a DAO in a loop to build up a List of Java
objects that contain the data I need to display.  That List gets put in
session scope and then it's off to the resolution.jsp to display it with a
<logic:iterate> tag.

*IF* I changed the database subroutine to return XML, what would I do with
it?  I'd have something like this coming back:

  <name>John Smith</name>
      123 State Street 
      City, ST, 12345

(I'm unclear on how to format the address which has multiple lines.)

Anyway, would I put that String in session scope?  And then... I'm just
reading about XSLT now.  Can someone point me in the general direction of
which Struts (or other) taglibs I might need?  I'm on Tomcat 4.1.12 & a
recent Struts nightly build with the -el tags.

Thanks in advance,

Wendy Smoak 

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