>One drawback I see is that stxx includes the FOP processor (which
>includes the Avalon logger), etc., and Struts might get overly large if
>were to include stxx.  So perhaps the status quo of using Struts and
>importing stxx only when needed remains preferable.

Actually, the transformation part of stxx, the part that transforms the
xml, has been split into pluggable Transformers defined in a properties
file.  You can therefore just not use the FOP transformer if you don't
need it, relieving you of FOP, Batik, and Avalon dependencies.

If you only need html, wml, xhtml, or any other text-based format
transformations, stxx will only require itself, jdom.jar and recently
added commons-logging.jar and jakarta-oro.jar.  The jakarta-oro.jar could
easily be left out at runtime in a similiar manner as fop.


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