Try applying a simple validator like required to one of your form fields, if
it does not work verify the following.

1. name used in the validation resource file matches the name in your action
2. validate set to true in your action mapping
3. your form extends ValidatorActionForm, and if you have any custom
validation in your form, you  don't ignore the errors returned by

If the problem is only with date validator, are you entering this garbage
after you enter a valid date?

The date validator that comes with struts1.1 uses a short pattern (M/d/YY
for en_US) if you do not explicitly pass a valid date. It does not do strict
parsing by default unless you specify pattern using the variable

If you want to implement strict date parsing with out having to specify this
pattern, write your own pluggable validator and check for the parse position
    DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale);   
    ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
    Object obj = df.parseObject(value, pos);
    if (pos.getIndex() == 0)
      throw new ParseException("Unparseable value: \"" + value + "\"" ,
    if (pos.getIndex() < value.length())
      throw new ParseException("Unparseable value: \"" + value + "\"" ,

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayson, Jim [mailto:Jim.Clayson@;]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 9:05 AM
Subject: help please: Validator basic use

Hi I am attempting to use the date validation provided by the framework - I
am using struts1.1b2.

I think I must be missing something fairly fundamental but maybe someone
will be able to confirm what that is. The problem is when I enter garbage
into the form's date fields and submit them, I get no errors. How does one
usually display the errors when using the validator framework.

I have my validator-rules.xml and validation.xml config files in my
application's web-inf dir.

Their relevent contents are as follows:


      <validator name="date"

            function validateDate(form) {
        ....... etc

                return true;


 and validation.xml:

      <form name="ReportForm">
         <field property="dateFrom" depends="date">
                     <arg0 key="ReportForm.dateFrom"/>
         <field property="dateTo" depends="date">
                     <arg0 key="ReportForm.dateTo"/>

I have my action's validate attribute set to "true".

Are the above setup correctly?


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