
   The code below is a copy of the example of the html select tag.

                Vector wanGroupOptions = new Vector();

                wanGroupOptions.add( new LabelValueBean( "Label 0", "Value
0" ));
                wanGroupOptions.add( new LabelValueBean( "Label 1", "Value
1" ));    

   Now the following works but generates empty options tags.

                         <html:select  property="wanGroups" size="1" >
                         <html:options collection="wanGroupOptions"
property="value" labelProperty="label"/>

I am using the following code to debug and I am getting the correct size
printed on the screen.

    <jsp:useBean id="wanGroupOptions" class="java.util.Vector"
    <%= wanGroupOptions.size() %>

  What could be the problem ? Any ideas are appreciated ?

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