Kiuma wrote:
> I've found a tip placing code in validate method :
> But it's a very dirty technique of course.

That will work, but... what if you have a form that you don't want to
validate?  The reason this is working is that you have validate set to true
so that the validate method gets called.  If you set validate to false,
it'll stop working.

One line in your reset method will do the same thing:
   isOn = false;

The reset method will autmatically get called before the set-methods for the
successful form elements.  So if the checkbox isn't checked, the isOn
property will remain false.  If it is checked, then the setIsOn method will
be called and isOn will be set to true.

For the sake of the person who has to maintain your code later on, (not to
mention your own sanity when you look at this in six months,) use the
validate and reset methods for their intended purposes. :)

Wendy Smoak
Arizona State University IA IRM 

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