
I did a little cut and paste with the example struts-config and came up with the 

    <!-- First Test-->
    <action    path="/test/firstTest"
      <forward name="success"              path="/test/FirstTest.jsp"/>

.... I was chasing after ghosts all afternoon and night trying to find out why my form 
bean was not showing up.... finally, after about three dozen System.out.println lines 
in ActionServlet, RequestProcessor, ApplicationConfig. etc, I found that the formbean 
config mapping wants to use a getName() .

So I added the following to struts-config after the "'attribute="firstTestForm"'


... and everything came up roses....

my happy little form is now sitting nice and pretty in my request scope...

So what's the diff between "attribute" and "name". Especially since (I seem to recall) 
that the getAttribute will return "name" if "attribute" is null.

Sorry about not checking the archive before sending this out... but it is after 1:00 
AM and if I don't ask now I'll probably forget to look.


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