Quite a long time ago my colleagues fiddled with my Tomcat installation to
make something work. Dont know what they did, but a side effect of this was
they they killed the logging for struts.

Ive been ignoring this for ages (since I tend to use System.out for
debugging my stuff) however now that Im trying to use Digester I need to be
able to log stuff again...

I get the following in my console window at startup & again when I try to
use digester in my plugin class:
log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category
log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly.

I am absolutely clueless in regards to how this logging stuff works (other
than that it doesnt) and would appreciate some times on how to initialise it
"properly" - right now I dont even know how to initialise it improperly :-(!

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