>>>>> "Kwok" == Kwok Ng <Kwok> writes:

    Kwok> If I want to precomile the jsp files, is that mean I need to change all
    Kwok> forwards' paths in the struts-conf.xml?  In addition, I got the
    Kwok> NoClassDefFoundError when I tries to compile the jsp files with the following
    Kwok> tag in the build.xml

    Kwok> <jspc 
    Kwok>       destdir="build.classes"
    Kwok>       verbose="1"
    Kwok>       srcdir="src"
    Kwok>       package="com.mydomain.myapp">
    Kwok>   <include name="**/*.jsp" />
    Kwok> </jspc>

    Kwok> Do you know what was wrong?

Whatever you do to precompile JSP pages, it's important to make sure that the
result does not change the path to each JSP.  When you precompile, you have to
build "servlet-mapping" elements into your "web.xml" file to preserve the
original JSP path.  Each web container has different ways to produce that

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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