
Ok, my question may be obvious for some of yours, but I guess I am not the
only newbie having this kind of trouble (I hope ;-)

All I wanna do is to customize jsp pages (made of struts tiles) depending on
user's role.

Here is my trouble:
I've got a tile (among others with same concerns wrt roles) that displays a
'logout' link, and that is used on each jsp page of my portal.
The trouble is !THIS IS A PORTAL!
...that is to say some jsp are access protected, some others are not...
For the formers, all is OK, but concerning the latters, I loose the user's
role since Tomcat doesn't transmit it to the session for such kind of pages.

My questions are the following:

1. Is there any trick (config files?) to tell Tomcat to keep roles
avalaible, even when accessing public pages?

2. If not, can I force the "role" attribute either in tiles:put or in
logic:present in order to get the right JAAS role that is stored in the

3. If not, I'd better try to gather all my jsp in the security url-pattern
and try to set a default user on public pages... If somebody knows how to do
this (positionning a default user without an authentication popup), please
tell me!

4. Is there another solution?

Thanks in advance for your answers.


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