Could  you perhaps use a different path for new departments... for instance...
that maps to DepartmentAction but does not do the validation?
-Tony (is it close enough to Friday to post a [FRIDAY] yet?)
I use html links that point to an action in my jsps, so that i can do some
initialization before displaying a jsp.
for example:
New Department

clicking on link "department.do" takes the control to the action
class(DepartmentAction) which forwards to department.jsp

I use validation framework to validate my form(DepartmentForm).

as i have a ".do" link, validation fails due to validator framework,
since the newly created form is empty and as a result my input which is
department.jsp is displayed with validation errors even for the first time
its displayed.

i use the same action(DepartmentAction) for creating,editing too. i want
to "bypass" the validation framework when the action is executed by clicking
the .do link, but "active" when submit button(for create , edit) is clicked.

if i do the validation in my action class by coding the validation in a
validate method , i can bypass calling the validation method in the action
class when link is clicked and call the validate method only for create ,
edit when submit button is used.

This is not a problem if i link directly to a jsp using 
New Department 
but by doing this i am navigating to a jsp(view) from another jsp(view)
without the controller in between thus breaking MVC.
what is the best solution to this problem. any commnets are welcome.
thanks ....



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