sometimes I need to display field value from my DynaValidatorForm based on
user role and some criteria.

For example
<c:when test="${user.Admin}">
        <html:text property="budget" />
        <bean:write name="MyDynaValidatorForm" property="budget" />

and sometimes
        <bean:write name="MyDynaValidatorForm" property="accountName" />
        <bean:write name="MyDynaValidatorForm" property="budgetSpend" />

Let me know if you have any workaround, right now I'm using normal bean
write tag. I have converted all struts tag to struts-EL tag (except
bean:write) and so far I don't have any problem.

My JSP files look so clean now.


-----Original Message-----
From: David M. Karr [mailto:dmkarr@;]
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: [JSTL] c:out and DynaBeanClass

>>>>> "Dipakkumar" == Dipakkumar Parmar <Parmar> writes:

    Dipakkumar> Hello,
    Dipakkumar> Obviously c:out tag doesn't work with DynaBeanClass and we
haven't converted
    Dipakkumar> bean:write to use EL syntax.  In this we do need to convert
bean:write to
    Dipakkumar> use EL syntax.

If you can describe a specific situation where porting the "bean:write" tag
Struts-EL would be useful, then please submit a bug report, listing specific
examples.  I think I know what you're running into, but I need you to
exactly what your situation is and what functionality would make your job
easier.  Note that DynaBeans aren't strictly JavaBeans (I believe), so it
be difficult to patch them into the JSTL.  I wonder if something can be done
with a Proxy class?

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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