You can do it this way

<logic:iterate name="mailFilterForm" property="registredList" id="mailView">
  <bean:define id="index" name="mailView" property="index"/>
     <td class="<%= (Integer.parseInt(index)%2 == 0)?"paire":"impaire"%>">
        <bean:write name="mailView" property="sender"/>

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 4:02 PM
Subject: defining style class with the iterate tag

> hi all,
> I'm using the iterate tag to display my arrayList element like this.
> <logic:iterate name="mailFilterForm" property="registredList"
>           <tr class="paire">
>                <td align="center"><bean:write name="mailView"
> property="code"/></td>
>                <td><bean:write name="mailView" property="sender"/></td>
>                <td><bean:write name="mailView" property="dateStart"/></td>
>                <td><bean:write name="mailView" property="dateEnd"/></td>
>                <td><bean:write name="mailView" property="targetDir"/></td>
>           </tr>
>                 </logic:iterate>
> and it works fine.
> But I would like to define row style class in bold according to the index
> of the iterated element.
> without using the tag is looked like this
> <tr class="<%= (index%2 == 0)?"paire":"impaire"%>">
>  where index is the index value of the iterated element.
> But I don't know how to perform this inside the iterate tag.
> The mailView object has a property named index could be used
> to perform some comparison. But I don't know how to use it.
> Can some one helps ?
> thanks.
> Meissa
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