Responses below...

Cindy Horn   at SF   x4874 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a jsp with a list of shipment data where hrefs are defined
> on the equipment keys.  I would like the client to click on the
> link to drill down from the list to a detailed jsp.  If I do the
> following:
> <a href="/vcsc/"MATU33445">
> I get a 404 url not found.  How do I get the link to go to the
> shipmentTracking Action?  Do I need to create a form on the jsp
> and use the onClick javascript to set the action of the form?

First, that should technically work, assuming that that is the correct
relative path to the action.  Make sure you have the correct path being
defined.  (As a hint, when you click the link and get a 404, look at what is
in the address bar at that point.  I have found that the webapp base is
usually lost if you do an HREF such as this.)

Second, though, I would recommend using the <html:link> tag for things such as
this.  Used in conjunction with global-forwards for your actions, this
relieves you of having to worry about keeping the web-app base, and it also
gives a lot of flexibility with the creation of the queryString.  Examples are
in the users guide, though I would be happy to provide you with some more, if
you need.


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