Hi Lucas,

Thanks for the response but you don't understand my question, I think it is
due to my english...;-)
I have already one application resources file named
ApplicationResources.properties so I use already a Resource Bundle but I
want to write a page that print all the content of this ResourceBundle.
I know that to have a property I must use:
<bean:message key="email.protocol" bundle="APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION"/>
So with that, I can print all the properties but I is very long and not
It is not a very good solution because I put the name of the property
So I would like a generic method or Tag to take back all the properties in
an Array of the Resources Bundle in my JSP.

Thanks in advance

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 11:05 AM
Subject: RE: Help please in ApplicationResources

> Hi Yann,
> IMHO, from my understanding, the idea of having message resources bundle
> in a separate text file is so that we do not have to change any codes
> (JSP/Java) which means easier maintenance and more flexibility. So I
> would suggest using a text file for a resource bundle and put it
> anywhere below your WEB-INF/classes/dir1/dir2 as somefilename.properties
> (I would put all the resources in the same directory) and then you can
> access using
> <bean:message key="somekeyname" bundle="dir1.dir2.somefilename"/> (note
> that the .properties extension is not needed).
> If you insist on using JSP then you should just use scriplet variables
> like
> <%
> String emailProtocol = "POP3"
> %>
> and call it using
> <%= emailProtocol %>
> Do I get your question right?
> Hope it helps,
> Lucas
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Yann Verlynde [mailto:yverlynde@;oxade.com]
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 11:58 PM
> > To: Struts
> > Subject: Help please in ApplicationResources
> >
> > If I want to have a message in a JSP, I use this code:
> > <bean:message key="email.protocol"
> >
> > But I want to have all the messages resources in my JSP,
> > How can I do that please?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> --
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