I guess you got just the same problem as I had.
1. I guess you misunderstood the way of ActionClass and ActionForm.

First of all, the ActionForm gets filled with the data the user types in
the input fields on your jsp. Then the action gets called.

So I bet putting your List into a Form won't help you, because you will
build it in your action.

You have to:
At the end of your action, write an request.setAtribute for your list.
Even better might be, to put your list into a bean and to put this bean
into request.

Then you should be able to use it.
You should carefully read:

Imho it's written quite tricky. I needed some time to fully understand
(I'm german, so it was even harder)
How to use the options tag depends wether your using a bean, a form, a

I got a Vector of Strings in a Bean, and I am not using the Form (I
doubt this could work)
Here's my solution:
<html:form action="getAlaskaGroups.do" method="POST">
        <html:select property="plantSelection" size="1">
                <html:option value="%"><bean:message
                <html:options name="plantListBean" property="plantList"/>
        </html:select> <br>
        <html:submit><bean:message key="submit.getAlaskaGroups"/></html:submit>

hope this helps.

p.s: My Vector is build dynamically from database

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