How would you solve this w/o Struts?

Davide Bruzzone wrote:
Greetings all...

I'd like to try to find out if anyone else out there is using WebLogic
(We're using version 6.1 SP2) with Struts and/or just JSPs that might have
some performance tips that they might be able to share...

Here's what's happening:

I have a page that, for test purposes, is generating a 1760 row table (Not a
gigantic table by any stretch of the imagination). Although I don't expect
our data sets to be this big all the time, I need to make the application
responsive (i.e. If it starts displaying rows immediately - while its still
spitting out other rows - that's fine. What's unacceptable is if the
application takes a while to do whatever its doing, and doesn't generate any
output until its done, leaving the user with a blank page while they wait).

I started out using Struts on the page, and found that the performance
wasn't good enough. So I converted the portion of the page that loops
through the contents of a collection of objects and creates the output to a
scriptlet - the reasoning being that I could perform the relatively simple
processing more directly/with less overhead if I just did it directly).
Performance improved somewhat, but I'm still faced with the problem related
to the fact that I don't get any output immediately (regardless of how long
the whole page takes to generate).

I've tried what seems like an endless combination of alternatives, with
mixed results (And that's one of the problems... I seem to get wildly
different results even with exactly the same code!). Here's what I've tried:

- I've set the buffer page directive to "none"
- I've tried to remove any Struts tags from the page in different
combinations (with mixed results)
- Since the page originally used templates (We're using Struts 1.0.2), I
tried to remove those, and have just one page (Again, with mixed results)
- I've added out.flush() at the end of each loop iteration (The intention
being that the server should spit out the row as soon as its done with it).

I've also added logging to the JSP to see how long each step is taking, and
as I've said, I keep getting mixed results (Both when I use our real data,
and, say, a loop that prints out "Hello" one million times). Sometimes rows
seem to start to display before the server is done, and sometimes they
don't. Sometimes the loop takes a long time to process, and sometimes it
doesn't... Here's some sample log output for the loop:

%%%%%%%%%%%: Done with initialization... Starting loop... Fri Nov 01
13:17:49 MST 2002
1557934 [11-01 13:17:49:512] INFO  [ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
'default'] ( - #########
###########: Flushed... 0
1559871 [11-01 13:17:51:449] INFO  [ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
'default'] ( - #########
###########: Flushed... 500
1561934 [11-01 13:17:53:512] INFO  [ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
'default'] ( - #########
###########: Flushed... 1000
1564527 [11-01 13:17:56:105] INFO  [ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
'default'] ( - #########
###########: Flushed... 1500
1566074 [11-01 13:17:57:652] INFO  [ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
'default'] ( - %%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%: Done with loop... Fri Nov 01 13:17:57 MST 2002

So I know that the server is able to process 500 rows of output in 63
milliseconds (See the difference between row 0 and row 500). However, I'm
still getting this lag time before I start to see any output.

If I'm doing something wrong with regard to Struts, and can get the rows to
display as soon as they're available, I'm perfectly willing to use Struts
(or whatever other approach works). Does anyone have any experience in this
area? Any help would be greatly appreciated...


Davide Bruzzone

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