
I am trying to create a form that spans multiple pages, but the validation does not seem to work with DynaValidatorForm unless I explicitly set the page number in the action class like so:

int foof = -1;
foof = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("page"));
}catch(Exception e){

ActionErrors errors = info.validate(mapping, request);

And this does work...until I submit the second page. When I do this it still tries to validate the properties from the 1st page (which are not there) and the second page. I can post more info if that helps. I'd really like to know if my program is defective or if it is a bug in Struts (which is 1.1b, BTW). Thanks for any guidance.

Seth Milder
Department of Physics and Astronomy
MS 3f3
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA
We must learn to distinguish morality from moralizing. HENRY KISSINGER

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