Hi all,

I know this question has been asked before - I think i know the reason why
some people are having issues clearing a form - the same as I am.

I don't know if the "problem" is really a bug, by design or if I'm going
about it the wrong way but it has been driving me nuts - ( update: I've
found a solution but read on if you have a better idea)

Brief Description:
When a form is submitted I save the actionform data to a DB, clear the
actionform and forward to the same page ready for more data ( a sort of
"Save and New" function ).

When the actionform is redisplayed the form data "magically" re-appears.
I've had a look at the struts source and it is re-populating the form from
the request data in org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate( ... ). Is
there any way to NOT repopulate the form?

There is no problem if I forward to another page and come back to it but
that's not really what I want. Am I going about this the wrong way or is
there a simple ( or difficult ) solution.

Simple Solution: set redirect to true:

        redirect="true" />

If there is a better solution I would love to know since I would rather not
have to redirect!!!


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