I want to modify the Attributes in a tiles Definition from my Action
classes. Is this possible? I have tried the following code inside the Action
class but do not get an Attribute against the name, instead I get a null.

    ComponentContext context = ComponentContext.getContext(request);
    java.util.List list = (java.util.List)context.getAttribute("tabList");

Is it because it is request scoped? Can i make it session-scoped? Also I get
an empty iterator when I try to traverse the list of attributes in the Tiles

    Iterator iter = context.getAttributeNames();
    System.out.print("Printing Attrbutes:");
        System.out.println("Attribute"+ ((String)iter.next()));

My tiles definition is given below. Thanks a lot.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Affan Qureshi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "struts-user" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 1:26 PM
Subject: Nested layouts (Panels inside Tabs)

> I have a Tabs Layout setup and inside a tab I have another layout with two
> panels(menu and content). This is my definition:
> <definition name="index.page" path="/webpages/layouts/tabsLayout.jsp" >
>      <put name="header" value="/webpages/header.jsp"/>
>      <put name="footer" value="/webpages/footer.jsp" />dfs
>      <put name="selectedIndex" value="0" />s
>      <put name="parameterName" value="selected" />
>      <putList name="tabList" >
>          <item value="Home"  link="/webpages/home.jsp"
> classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem" />
>          <item value="Template"  link="/webpages/template.jsp"
> classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem" />
>          <item value="Search" link="/webpages/search.jsp"
> classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem" />
>  </putList>
> </definition>
> The link to "Template" i.e the template.jsp file follows a simple layout:
> <definition name="templateview.default" path="/webpages/layout.jsp">
>     <put name="menu" value="/webpages/tiles/categoryTile.jsp"/>
>     <put name="body" value="/webpages/tiles/templateTile.jsp"/>
> </definition>
> The problem is that when I click on any link inside one of the panels in
> templateTile.jsp or any other file, it breaks out of the Tabular layout
> displays it as just two panels. This problem can be reproduced if you run
> the tiles-documentation example and go to
> http://localhost:8080/tiles-documentation/examples/tabs.jsp. Now here if
> click on any link in the menu the page will open outside the tab layout.
> The hyperlinks in my "Menu" panel point to Action classes. I am forwarding
> requests from the Action classes to Tiles Definitions.
> What should I do to tackle this problem?
> Also can anyone guide me to a resource for Nested Tabs?
> Thanks for your time.

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