Take a look at http://basicportal.sf.net  -- it's a sample portal
application based on Struts and Tiles.  It could give you a headstart in
writing a portal with Tiles.  It comes with a fast DAO layer that you can
use. basicportal is designed to be able to plug in your own persistance
framework to replace custom DAO if you want (ie EJB, castor, etc)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Higginbotham [mailto:jhigginbotham@;betweenmarkets.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 12:31 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: [OT] OJB/Struts and Jetspeed
> > Do you think that using the portal features of tiles could
> > help in developing a portal application based on Struts?
> Well, if you need something now, like me, then you'll probably be doing
> what I do - comparing the potential of Jetspeed's codebase vs. writing
> something simple from scratch using Tiles. If you have some time, a ref
> impl of the portlet JSR should be out within the next month or two and
> would allow you to choose from (hopefully)  multiple portal containers
> once the JSR goes final. I'm not sure where I stand at this point, I
> just know that after 3 years of J2EE, someone should have a solid portal
> framework (ala PHPNuke, but better), but nothing really exists yet.
> James
> --
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