As you say "welcome" works fine, your syntax looks fine. However the error
message is a bit strange and doesn't correspond to the name of the forward
or of the action!  All I can really think of - we find ourselves in this
situation a lot by the way and it's always our fault if that's any
consolation at all - is to look for possibly a duplicate definition of
adminMenu action/a forward that may be causing the problem or that it's
actually getting to /WEB-INF/pages/admin-menu.jsp and something there is
giving the error you describe.

BTW I pasted your code into our sample - we seem to use it a lot ourselves!
... and it worked OK, i.e. for the page with a link for "Adm. Funcs." and on
clicking link got a 404: The requested resource
(/WEB-INF/pages/admin-menu.jsp) is not available, as to be expected.

Maybe try posting your complete struts-config.xml?

Sorry can't help,


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mike.witt@;]
Sent: 08 November 2002 13:49
Subject: html:link question


I'm having a problem with html:link which gives me the Cannot "retrive
ActionForward named /admin" message.  My struts config has:

    <forward   name="welcome"              path="/"/>
    <forward   name="adminMenu"            path="/" />

    <action path="/welcome"

    <action path="/adminMenu"

My jsp has:

<html:link forward="adminMenu">Administrative Functions</html:link>

This gives me the error message.  However, if I replace "adminMenu" with
"welcome" it works just fine.  Also, if I use the page attribute it works
for and not for  Any help is appreciated!


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