2002. november 11. 14:42 dátummal Hirschmann, Bernhard ezt írtad:
> Thanks for your comment, but I'm not sure if that's the problem.
> Here is the scenario:
> 1.) While populating the form, the value is true.
> 2.) Then the user disables the checkbox - for setting the value to false.
> 3.) Submit occurs.
> 4.) In the action I check the value and I see that it is true.
> Do I really have to reset the form for such a scenario?

You store your ActionForm in the session I guess. The form has the property 
set true. 
On submit the form does not receive any value for the very property as there 
is no such request parameter since the cb was not checked. So the property 
stays unchanged (ie checked).

What would uncheck it then? Maybe the reset().



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