
I prefer not to show you the line of embarrassment!  Then you really
would be questioning my intelligence ;-) !

There are a couple of things that I do in my version of the
RequestProcessor.  Trivial things really, but it makes my life a bit

By the way: I didn?t think that anyone was trying to insult me - I was
just kidding.

> when I get too close to a given tree to see the forest - we've all
done it

Oh yes, I?ve been there, done it and bought the t-shirt - looking at the
same lines of code for hours and in the end it was something completely



-----Original Message-----
From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush@;swbell.net] 
Sent: Montag, 11. November 2002 20:03
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Mozilla asking to save *.do ?!

:-)  Well I must admit I'm somewhat curious to know what content-type 
you actually set to cause it!

I can't imagine why you would be overriding processContent (that's where

this is done, right?) for anything - but recall that you can invoke the 
super-class method by calling super(...) inside of your overriding 
method.  No, I'm not attempting to insult your intelligence - just 
remind you of a very simple thing that I sometimes forget myself (when I

get too close to a given tree to see the forest - we've all done it, I'd


Glad you got it fixed ;-)

Michael Delamere wrote:

>thought you might like to know how I solved it (even although normally
>there is nothing to solve :-D).  It was of course a silly little error
>which crept up in my lovely piece of code - as suggested, I set the
>wrong "content-type" in my RequestProcessor :-).
>Just out of interest, was the title of this thread enough to get anyone
>to panic?  I almost did when I first fell into the trap ;-) !
>Replacing it with this line immediately solved the problem:
>response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
>And yes, Mozilla is great - The explorer just ignored my error!
Eddie Bush

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