       I have a Vector in my form bean which contains multiple Objects, I
want to loop through the contents of this Vector in my JSP page, I have a
getListingsSummary() method in my form bean which is viewListingForm, But
for some reason when I call my JSP it throws some exception like
No bean found under attribute key viewListingBean

Here is my iterate tag
<logic:iterate id="viewListingBean" name="viewListingForm"

Here is my form Bean

   public Vector getListingsSummary()

public void setListingsSummary(Vector listingsSummary)
      this.listingsSummary = listingsSummary;

My Action class sets the form bean before forwarding to the JSP page..

ViewListingForm listingform = (ViewListingForm) form;

BTW what is this id means in the iterate tag? Any help would be greatly

Thanks in advance,

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