Can Struts-EL be used with Struts 1.0.2?  Of course, assuming I pull the necessary 
files from the nightly.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Madel,Kurt [mailto:kmadel@;] 
> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 10:03 AM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: Struts Tags vs. JSTL
> The nightly build has exactly what you are looking for in the 
> contrib folder.  Here is the readme:
>  Struts-EL extension
>  ===================
> Introduction
> ------------
> This subproject is an extension of the Struts tag library.  
> Each JSP custom tag in this library is a subclass of an 
> associated tag in the Struts tag library. One difference is 
> that this tag library does not use "rtexprvalues", it uses 
> the expression evaluation engine in the JSP Standard Tag 
> Library (version
> 1.0)
> to evaluate attribute values.
> In addition, some of the Struts tags were not ported to this 
> library, as it was determined that their functionality was 
> entirely supplied by the JSTL. These particular Struts tags, 
> and the reason for their non-porting will be described in the 
> documentation for this library.
> In order to fully understand the correct utilization of this 
> library, you must understand the use and operation of the 
> Struts tag library, and the use and operation of the 
> JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (hereafter called the 
> "JSTL"), along with the expression language (sometimes called 
> the "EL") used for evaluating attribute values.
> Tag Mapping
> -----------
> In implementing the Struts-EL library, every Struts tag that 
> provides a feature that is not covered by the JSTL (1.0) 
> library is mapped into the Struts-EL library.  This section 
> reviews which Struts tags are NOT implemented in the 
> Struts-EL library, and which JSTL tags provide that feature.
> Many of the non-porting decisions were based on the fact that 
> the JSTL expression language itself provides the same 
> functionality.  In those cases, in addition to a possible 
> JSTL tag name, the symbol "EL" will be listed.
> Bean Tag Library Tags NOT Implemented in Struts-EL
> --------------------------------------------------
> Struts Tag        JSTL Tag
> ----------        --------
> cookie                                c:set, EL
> define                 c:set, EL
> header                                c:set, EL
> include                c:import
> parameter         c:set, EL
> write             c:out
> Logic Tag Library Tags NOT Implemented in Struts-EL
> --------------------------------------------------
> Struts Tag        JSTL Tag
> ----------        --------
> empty                                 c:if, c:when, EL
> equal                                 c:if, c:when, EL
> greaterEqual          c:if, c:when, EL
> greaterThan                   c:if, c:when, EL
> lessEqual                     c:if, c:when, EL
> lessThan                              c:if, c:when, EL
> notEmpty                              c:if, c:when, EL
> notEqual                              c:if, c:when, EL
> notPresent                    c:if, c:when, EL
> present                               c:if, c:when, EL
> Html Tag Library Tags NOT Implemented in Struts-EL
> --------------------------------------------------
> None (all of them were ported).
> Attribute Mapping
> -----------------
> At this point of the implementation, there is only one change 
> (to two similar
> tags) to the set of attributes between the Struts tags, and 
> the Struts-EL tags. The "logic:match" and "logic:notMatch" 
> tags have an additional attribute named "expr", which can 
> take any value, and will be used as the value to compare 
> against, in addition to the choices of "cookie", "header", 
> "name"/"property", and "parameter".
> Usage Requirements
> ------------------
> The Struts-EL tag library requires the use of the Struts tag 
> library, and the Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library.  It 
> is not necessary for JSP pages using the Struts-EL tag 
> library to also use the Struts tags or the JSTL tags, but the 
> Struts and JSTL tag libraries need to be part of the 
> application utilizing the Struts-EL tag library.
> This is because the Struts-EL tag classes are all subclasses 
> of Struts tag classes, and their implementation uses classes 
> provided by the JSTL.
> Kurt Madel
> Programmer, CSMi
> (703) 823-4300 ext. 170
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hohlen, John [mailto:JHohlen@;] 
> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:58 AM
> To: Struts-Help (E-mail)
> Subject: Struts Tags vs. JSTL
> My team is interested in using the JSTL as it offers several 
> advantages (standardization, container optimization, 
> expression language, potential future tools, etc.).  Until 
> now, we've strictly been using the Struts custom tags (and a 
> few that we extended).
> These are the guidelines I want to setup for our developers:
> 1) If a tag's functionality is duplicated in both the JSTL 
> and Struts, use the JSTL version.  In the long run, it will 
> probably deprecate the Struts tag.
> 2) For tags tied directly to the Struts framework (e.g. 
> <html:errors>, <html:javascript>, etc.), use the Struts 
> version (for obvious reasons).
> Does this make sense?  Have others done this?  One thing I 
> was hoping to put together for our team was a cross-reference 
> of tags between the JSTL and the Struts tag libraries.  This 
> cross-reference would contain information about which tags 
> provide duplicate functionality, which tags are tied to the 
> Struts framework, etc.  Has anyone seen something like this?
> Thanks,
> --
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