> Has anyone experienced the <tiles:useAttribute /> tag returning null for
> an attribute that is explicitly defined in the tiles-defs.xml file?  Any
> assistance provided would be much appreciated.
> Example (foo and bar are each defined with values in the tiles-defs.xml):
> ==================
> It appears that the first <tiles:useAttribute/> tag is able to read it's
> attribute, but any subsequent <tiles:useAttribute/> tags are not.
> <tiles:useAttribute name="foo" classname="java.lang.String" />
> <tiles:useAttribute name="bar" classname="java.lang.String" />
> <%= foo %><!-- 1 -->
> <%= bar %><!-- 2 -->
> 1. returns the value from the tiles-defs.xml file for foo
> 2. returns null
> <tiles:useAttribute name="bar" classname="java.lang.String" />
> <tiles:useAttribute name="foo" classname="java.lang.String" />
> <%= foo %><!-- 1 -->
> <%= bar %><!-- 2 -->
> 1. returns null
> 2. returns the value from the tiles-defs.xml file for bar
> However, if I explictly obtain the values from the ComponentContext:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------
> ComponentContext c =
> (ComponentContext)pageContext.getAttribute(ComponentConstants.COMPONENT_CO
> NTEXT, pageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
> Iterator it = c.getAttributeNames();
> while (it.hasNext())
> {
>   String attributeName = (String) it.next();
>   out.print(attributeName);
>   out.print((String)c.getAttribute(attributeName);
> }
> both (all) attribute/value pairs are available.  What gives?
> I'm running Struts 1.1-Beta 2 under Resin 2.1.6 with JDK 1.3.1.
> Regards, 
> -Chris Walk

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