I have an application developed with Struts, running on SilverStream Application Server, 3.7.4. We use Apache as our web server, using mod proxy to rewrite the URL's. SilverStream is listening on port 2080. When I test the application directly through SilverStream, i.e. going to port 2080 directly, everything works fine, however some pages are failing when I start using Apache, with the following message:

The requested URL /salesportal/Insite/Portal/selectorg.do was not found on this server.
The page in questions has the following tag:

<strutshtml:form action="selectorg.do" name="selectorg" type="com.ftsi.portal.wins.SearchOrgAction">

If I change this tag to a regular form tag and use the jsp:useBean tag everything works fine with Apache.
Here are the entries in my struts-config.xml for the action, and the entry from mod proxy for Apache
<!-- struts-config.xml-->
<action path="/selectorg" type="com.ftsi.portal.wins.SearchOrgAction" name="searchOrgForm" scope="session" validate="false">
<forward name="editlist" path="/AddCustomer.do"/>
<forward name="failure" path="/searchorg.jsp"/>

mod proxy setting

ProxyPass /insite/ http://mamf0pc3.ccc.amdahl.com:2080/salesportal/Insite/Portal/
ProxyPassReverse /insite/ http://mamf0pc3.ccc.amdahl.com:2080/salesportal/Insite/Portal/

I realize that this may not necessarily be a struts issue, but it seemed like the best place to start. Any help appreciated


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