> -----Original Message-----
> From: Suman Das [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Subject: ActionServlet unable to proceed...pl help
> While running the following code (more or less same as 
> Javaranch's march article) in weblogic 7.0, the LoginView.jsp 
> accepts UserID and Pwd but then the login.do returns a blank 
> page...seems ActionServlet is unable to proceed. 

Not getting any exceptions to the log?  

Start with a "System.out.println("made it..."); " in the start of the
Action.execute().  If that comes out in the log okay, you are probably
executing fine, look to make sure that your forward for "invalid" and "valid"
(MainMenu.jsp and LoginView.jsp respectively) are in the root of the
application WAR file or deployment directory.  If they are, add a <%
System.out.println("..."); %> to both the JSPs, make sure they are getting
called, I suspect that they aren't.  You can keep going with the printlns for
a while.

Good luck!


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