Thanks, Danny, for the detailed response.
We're running Struts 1.0.x. Does it support ExceptionHandler paradigm? If so
could you please point towards some starting points.

Thanks again.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Trieu, Danny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Mebed, Waheed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: Howto handle this behavior in Struts+Tiles

> Hello,
> Usually exception that being thrown by the VIEW(JSP) are rendering related
> exception.
> This could be tags/Scriptlet that access resource, JavaBeans, fails.
> Meaning the
> Resource is not there.  And when these thing happen with composite view
> thing became
> A bit tricky.  First of all, within the container, the layout, of the
> composite view
> You don't where exception might be thrown.  Second, the page directive for
> 'errorPage'
> Can only be set at the outter most container, the layou, and not within
> of its
> Contained JSP.  Since, you never know when response has been committed to
> the client
> Browser.  And if response has already committed to the clien browser, any
> attemp to
> Forward to a different resource is an IllegalStateException.  A quick
> solution to your
> Problem is to only have the page directive for your JSP is in the outer
> container,
> The layout.
> My approach to handling the front-end exception in Struts1+ is having a
> sub-module for
> Handling exception with a set of custom or generic ExceptionHandler, with
> action mapping
> That will capture the exception, do exception profiling or anything
> neccessarry, and use
> Struts declarative exception handling to map it to a user friendly View
> displaying
> Specific error pages.  This has to work with the Web application error
> mapping in the
> Web.xml deployment descriptor, to map different error-code and exception
> the right
> Action mapping in your exception sub-module that will handle the
> I think
> This is a much cleaner way to haddle exception since it promote
> encapsulation of exception
> Handling into one central place, the sub-module, that can be manage easily
> and consistent
> Through out the entire application.  Plus, exception handler can be reused
> in different
> Web application with the entire enterprise.
> Hope this would help,
> -danny
> -----Original Message-----
> From: atta ur-rehman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 9:52 AM
> To: struts users mailing list
> Subject: Howto handle this behavior in Struts+Tiles
> Dear all,
> Here is my "layout.jsp" file:
> <%@ page errorPage="ErrorPage.jsp" %>
>      <tiles:insert attribute="menu"/>
>      <tiles:insert attribute="body"/>
>      <tiles:insert attribute="footer"/>
> The "menu" tile is a JSP page that could throw an exception. Now whenever
> exception is thrown on the "menu" tile I want to goto JSP Error Page. What
> get instead is this exception:
> [Exception in:/main-menu.jsp] reset() failed - data has already been sent
> client java.lang.IllegalStateException: reset() failed - data has already
> been sent to client.
> Could you please help me with this one? What do I need to fix this
> By the way "menu.jsp" contains <%@ page errorPage="ErrorPage.jsp" %>
> directive. And currently if there is an exception on "layout.jsp" Error
> does show up with appropriate error message.
> TIA,
> --
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