Hi everyone,

I'm pretty new to Struts (1.0.2) and like many others I got some problems
with the I18n stuff :)
I know that because I guess I read so much thing about this issue in the
mail archive and different sites, but I still
got a weird problem. So I decide to write and ask you for some help.
Environment: WSAD 4.03 - Struts 1.0.2
2 properties files for the translation, the default one
(ApplicationResources.properties) and an other one for french for example
(sorry for english mistakes if it occurs :) )

The thing I want to do is actually simple. A page with an image (a flag for
example :) ). When you click on it, it displays the same page with in the
right language.
I have no problem with the image, the redisplaying of it, the resources and
all those stuff.

The page is first displayed in the language regarding the browser
configuration <html:html locale=true/>. This is ok.
But when I click on the flag, I want to change the session with the new
Right now, I implemented that:
      - in my ApplicationsResources files I put a key: logon.flag.value=en
when I'm on the french translated page, logon.flag.value=fr when I'm the
default one.
      - in my ActionForward perform method, I tried this:

   public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
                         ActionForm form,
                         HttpServletRequest request,
                         HttpServletResponse response)
      throws IOException, ServletException {

      // Extract attributes we will need
      MessageResources messages = getResources();

      // Validate the request parameters specified by the user
      ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

      //get the right language code
      String flag = messages.getMessage("logon.flag.value");

      //Tof - Setting the new locale regarding the choice of the user if he
clicked on the flag
      Locale localeNew = new java.util.Locale("flag", "");
().setAttribute(org.apache.struts.action.Action.LOCALE_KEY, localeNew);

      // Report any errors we have discovered back to the original form
      if (!errors.empty()) {
          saveErrors(request, errors);
          return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()));

    // Remove the obsolete form bean
      if (mapping.getAttribute() != null) {
            if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope()))


      // Forward control to the specified success URI
      return (mapping.findForward("logLocale"));


And the Locale still remain "fr" instead of switching to the default one.
So I looked around and I finally understood that my default resources is
not the "fr" one but the default one ! So, the flag variable is "fr" and
not "en".
Why is that possible as I thought like I see it on some threads that the
first time the session was initialized with the Locale returning by the
<html:html locale=true/> tag?!

So I tried to force to create a session modification in the JSP like I saw
in the mail archive:

<html:html locale="true">
   String language = null;
    String localeValue = request.getParameter("locale");

    if(localeValue != null) {
        language = localeValue.substring(0, 2);
        Locale localeNew = new java.util.Locale(language, "");
        session.setAttribute(org.apache.struts.action.Action.LOCALE_KEY, localeNew, 

But this changed nothing :)

Then I planned to use a hidden tag with the value of the resources
logon.flag.value. But I understood that I can't set a value of a hidden tag
from the Resources.
I suppose I need to create a Bean and use an html:bean tag or modify the
setter in my Form class (I didn't succeeded in that -> the getResources is
never found), and I get this hidden field in my action class and test it
and pass it as a parameter of my setAttribute.
But I think this must not work as well regarding the previous problem.

So anyone has a good idea ? :))

Anyway, thanks for having read this too long mail :)


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