
For our latest project, I have been using the validator functionality in Struts 1.1. I 
used the checks for "required" and "double" and plugged in a couple of my own 
validators. I got some strange behaviour using Struts 1.1 beta 2, but that went away 
after I replaced the included validator package with a newer version (1.0 rc3). I 
thought I got everything to work until I tested the app from a PC other than my own.

Instead of getting back my form with the appropriate error messages, I got a stack 
trace. Apparently, the request had gone straight through to my Action class without 
any validation taking place (causing a NullPointerException to be thrown at some 
point). I know that the Validator object is called, but none of the validator methods 
are. The Validator object also doesn't throw any exceptions. The call exits normally, 
but the ActionErrors collection is empty.

It always works when I run both server and browser on the same machine. It also works 
from any PC on my home network. But when I try it at work... no validation! And 
unfortunately, it also malfunctions on our customer's intranet. They even report that 
it works on one client PC, while it doesn't on another!?

I always thought that client configuration doesn't matter when using a thin HTML 
client approach. Am I wrong in assuming this?

I read in the mailing list archives that using a validator package different from the 
one included in the original Struts build can yield unpredictable results, so I also 
tried a nightly build of Struts. Same problem.

Does anybody have any ideas as to what could be the problem?

We use:

Windows NT and 2000
JDK 1.3.1_02
Tomcat 4.0.1 and 4.0.4
Internet Explorer 5 and Netscape 4.77

Thank you.

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