Hi, All:

I have a problem related to user input validation. I searched on the web, it seems 
that I couldn't get a clue. Hopefully, you can help me out.

I have two screens: screen1 and screen2. The two screens are used for new user 

On screen1, there are three fields: userName, password and confirmPassword. There is 
also a "Continue" button on the screen1.------Validation rule: userName should be 
unique. password and confirmPassword should be same.

On screen2, there are user imformation fields, such as street, city, etc. And there is 
a  "Submit" button.

When user click on "Continue" on the screen1, the screen2 will be displayed, even 
though there are input errors on screen1. The validation of the input on screen1 will 
be delayed until user click "Submit" button on screen2. If one(or all) of the fields 
are invalid (on screen1), the screen1 will be displayed with original input, plus 
relevant error message. If there are also error messages on screen2, their display 
should be delayed until the user fixed the errors on screen1, click "continue" to go 
to screen2(fields on screen2 prepopulated with original input) clicks "Submit", in 
this case, controls back to screen2 with error messgaes and pre-entered data.

The above senario is business required. 

How can I achieve this using struts(1.1.b). I know in struts, we can use actionForm, 
validation, struts-config.xml, and etc. But how should I combine them together to 
acheive the above senario. I really need your help. Thank you in advance for your help.



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