Hi everybody,

I have a question concerning how to move a piece of code working with the Struts 1.0.2 release to the upcoming 1.1 stable one. What I do is:

public myActionServlet extends ActionServlet
public Class getClass(String fullyQualifiedName)
FastHashMap fhm = this.actions;
java.lang.Object obj = fhm.get( fullyQualifiedName );
return obj.getClass();

My intent is to retreive the Class instance associated with the Action identified by the provided fully qualified name in order to save the time required for loading it via the class loader, since it could already have been instantiated by the controller itself!

What I am warried about is that the "actions" protected field in the ActionServlet class no longer exists in the 1.1 Struts release.

Might anyone tell me how this simple piece of code can be geared to Struts 1.1?

Thanks in advance,

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