Or with JSTL:

<logic:iterate id="section" name="screenForm" property="sectionList">
  <c:import url="${section.url}"/>


<c:forEach var="section" items="${screenForm.sectionList}">
  <c:import url="${section.url}"/>

Quoting Gemes Tibor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> 2002. december 5. 15:11 dátummal [EMAIL PROTECTED] ezt írtad:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I wish to include a number of jsps within my main jsp. The list of
> include
> > files is retrieved from the database and stored in the ActionForm. I can
> > then have a piece of jsp code as follows:
> >
> > <logic:iterate id="section" name="screenForm" property="sectionList">
> >       <jsp:include page="<bean:write name='section' property='url'/>"
> flush
> > ="true"/>
> > </logic:iterate>
> You cannot insert a taglib into a taglib. So try 
> <logic:iterate id="section" name="screenForm" property="sectionList">
>        <jsp:include page="<% section.getUrl() %>" flush="true"/> 
> </logic:iterate>
> Tib
> --
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Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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