Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the &quote; entries unnecessary?
Couldn't you just remove them?

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathalie Foures [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 9:52 AM
Subject: html:options encoded property


I wrote a JSP page with the following lines :
<html:select property="selectedProxies" size="10" multiple="true">
   <html:options collection="proxies" property="url"

where name and url are the String attributes of a bean named Proxy. This
code displays a box, with a list of "names". When I select a name, this
returns the corresponding "url". The problem is that the url is written
with escaped characters, BUT displayed with unescaped characters.

For example, the bean Proxy has the following url linked with the name
"something" : "http://myhome/hello&amp;action=&quot;doSomething&quot;";.
But, the resulting html page looks like this :
<select name="selectedProxies" multiple="multiple" size="10">

The &quot; character is translated. As a result the option value becomes
"http://hello&action="; : it stops at the first ":" character and doesn't
take the whole url! doSomething is forgotten...

I looked for attributes like "filter" for the html:options tag, but I
didn't succeed...Has someone an idea to help me!

Thank you!


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